Managed to take this picture showing part of the newly developed area at the top of Beacon Ponds showing the new hide. Ten minutes later the mist came in and you couldnt see a thing.The ponds are starting to fill so look forward to possible waders taking advantage of them
We had been looking for about three days for the Merlin and spotted him half way up Beacon Lane.Apparantly this is one of his favourite posts for looking for dinner
Just a few pictures from last week of birds singing and looking for parners including Dunnock , Linnet , Meadow Pipit , Reed Bunting , Wheatear and finally Yellow Hammers that appear to have paired up
This is our first Redstart of the yearand were fortunateto have have seen it first in the field and then to have had it in the hand due to a few meally worms and acunning Barry Spence
Once again lucky to see this Creeper close to the footpath on the way down to the small bridge. Heard Greatspotted woodpecker drumming very close at the same time but it didnt show itself
Went up to The Giants Tooth today and was lucky to just catch this male before it flew off towards the Plantation. Its a shame you cant get very close to them as they are very flighty birds