Thanks to Andy and Barry we were put onto this cracker down at the Canal Hide which was a first ever for us. Once again it was quite a highlight as it was the first for the recording area since the late sixties. It seemed to be with a pair of Mallard and disappeared with them after being spooked by a Curlew. It didnt return while we were there so we presume that it left the area.
This was by sheer luck as the weather was terrible with thick fog and very dismal.I had to lighten the photo in Adobe to even recognise what the bird was , to the amusement of quite a few "expert birders"
One of the best surprises of the week was the arrival of this Bluethroat (WhiteSpot) .The last time one was seen just outside the recording area was 1966
It remained in the base of a ditch for over 2 days breaking the surface only occassionaly to tease us.