After seeing the Calderdale Blog and pictures of the Snow Bunting we decided to go up and see if they were still around. After walking around for about 15 minutes one was spotted in the longish grass to the right of the mast by a couple of bird watchers . We had heard the call a few times earlier but were pleased to see this one down to about 20 feet away.
They had been flying overhead for a few days and then we spotted some on the New Rocks down on the Humber.Two days later a flock of about 25 flew south
Another lifer for us was this Pied Wheatear which favoured the beach area but landed on the Lifeboat rooftop for us to get a quick picture before it returned to its prefered area
Just alittle bit of poetic licence .I darkened the picture and just highlighted the wing edges to give a different look , a bit more artistic.The original one was taken flying down the Humber
Brambling Richards Pipit Woodlark and YellowHammer are a few of the different birds ringed recently. Just look at the markings on the back of the Richards Pipit. Amazing when you can see them close up.
There has been quite an influx of Geese the past couple of weeks including Bean Geese , Whitefronted, Barnacle , Brent , Pink Feet and the odd Grelag. A fair number have been in the fields on Long Bank Marshes and down on the Humber
Just as it was about to become dark this little fellow made an appearance.It was so dark this is the only picture i could get .Iso 1200 at a 15th of a second.At least I got one
One of the regular species that finds its way onto the cliff top at the northern end of the camp site is the Black Redstart.This one had apparantly just been either caught in a shower or had just been bathing. Either way it tolerated me for a while to get a few pictures of it.